Sunday, April 13, 2008

Oh ok, I know it's just a picture. But still......

Don't you just loooovveee this picture?
Pen took it :)
P.s: Ok you can still see my tummy but what the heck. I'm not one to hide my flaws and show only the 'what-I-reckon-is-pretty-in-my-eyes-and-yours' parts.


bloody awful poetry said...

Oh oooh..Pen took a picture of YOU. Because I read the post title and went all "Hey I get to see what Pen looks like!" and then I tengok the gambar but Pen looks like...Hannah..
It's a picture PEN took of HANNAH.
Faham faham.

I have this tendency to be very slow on the pickup sometimes.
Ask Grace. She'll make a wisecrack and wait for me to follow it up and then I'll just be looking at her really blank and going "What?".

But who cares about the tummy kan? I have tyres, practically.

HannahLah said...

I hv everything. The whole works.

It makes me feel womanly and beautiful.(no, i'm not being optimistic. It's more like realistic)

Oh I would so gladly put up Pen's picture but he's too busy taking pics of others I've never ever seen a pic of himself. It's crazy really, one whole big gallery and no self-pics.

Hm. One of the reasons I find him interesting I suppose.:)