Tuesday, May 20, 2008

100 Pointless Pointlessness You Might Wanna Know.

Aaaaiii Haaaaaaaaaaave Deeeeeeeeeeeesssaaaaaaaaiiiided..... to let it go.

Just let it be. Never does anyone good to butt in a 2 year-old relationship (whether it works both ways or not). But it's a much safer option for me.

And jodoh tak ke mana kan, so no worries for you there Hannah. I'll work my ha-ass off on someone who's ...uhm...single? maybe, for starters. HAha. Joke. *rolls eyes*

I'm listening to Saliva. "Let me rest in pieeeeeeeeeeeeecesssssssss"

Oh HULLO Julez baby darling! Yeah I blog. *stifled laugh* More like, I TRY to. In fact, I think I used to be just a tweeeny bit slightly more active in my yesteryear-old Friendster blog. It's my other pile of jargons. Deeper stuff when I look back in it.

Proves I'm less mellow after a long time! "GOOD MORNING, SUNSHINE!How do you DO??"

I watched 'The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants' last night. Heard the soundtrack ages ago but finally got to watch it yesterday. Not bad. The sweet, destiny, friendship-ish kinda stuff. I felt that I would have like it more have I watched it earlier (I don't know where that came from). But it was just ok for me. I love the Bailey-Tibby relationship though. I cried, of course. I even cried when Lena says, "I love you" to Kostas. *.......droopy smile*

Don't you just think you're able to know someone without meeting him or her by observing the little things she does in certain circumstances at certain times? Like, V, don't you know what kind of person I am already? All you need is that lump of meat placed somewhere on the top of your head and a good shot at guessing.

Ok no, seriously. The brain part, very true. It's not judging but one seriously does not need a certificate in Psychology to know 'who's the what' kind of person.

You get me. Kan. Here's your meme.


1. I find fruits (apples, pears) in my bags these days. They tend to 'mysteriously' appear out of nowhere- till I remember nenek brought back some for me from Sgp. Or that I brought it to work for something to munch on and only realised it back at home that night.

2. I have no sense of creativity. I cannot draw or even colour in the lines to save my life. I'm stupid, at that.

3. I cook. I clean. I take care of kids. People reckon I can become a good mother. I laugh out of politeness. The other option would be scoffing in their faces.

4. My worst fear is to become a terrible parent. *_*

5. I go to gym but I'm still fat. Overweight. Plump. Whatever you want to call it. It's still 'bigger than your average size in Malaysia.'

6. I cut my own hair. When I'm bored.

7. People think I'm smart because I sound smart when I'm in fact, a no-brainer, academically. I'm streetsmart smart, not textbook-smart smart.

8. I'm not sure whether I can make it to twenty at this rate. I can't think. (Psst, How'd you DO it Vanessa?)

9. I dislike horror/seram/gory/suspense/menakutkan/makes-my-heart-wanna-stop-there-and-then/disgusting books/movies/visions/ shtuffs.

10. My ears are unbalanced (imbalanced?). I hv one smaller, impishly pointed ear on the left. (on your right side when you look at me lah) My mom calls it 'special' to cover-up from the truth. My sisters say I'm distorted. I think my ear got stuck when Mom gave birth to me.

11. I still have EVERY SINGLE ONE of my soft toys :) I used to bring ALL of them around when I was eight. Yes, I had emotional issues. When I was eight.

12. My biggest achievement would be representing the country for some environment conference in Eastbourne. When I'm not Malaysian. And I'd get so irritated at the reporters that came all the way there for some 10 min interview I dissed them off by saying no. I swear I didn't know that spelled 'S-O-M-B-O-N-G'. (Apologies, if any one of you are reading this. Though you're probably somewhere annoying the ass off some politician.)

13. I am technologically impaired. As quoted by Kakak *clears throat* ," What CENTURY were you born IN?!"

14. I just realised I made it past ten! Ooh, I'm starting to get the hang of it.

15. I only have one ex. No, seriously. The serious serious one worth counting. One.

16. I LOVE eating powdered Milo and Horlicks. Just the powder. Spoonfull after spoonfull.

17. I have little, or no Malay blood in me. I am a citizen of SOUTHEAST ASIA. *smiles princess smile and waves*

18. My glasses have always been, and will always be crooked. Thanks to my wonderfully distorted ears. That makes me tilt my head a little to the side to give you the impression I have perfectly balanced glasses perched on my nose.

19. I sleep with Mr. Silverstone, Prudence, and Gabriel. Every night. Foursome.....*nods head with mysterious look on face*

20. I lick the medicine bowls in the clinic. Especially 'Max Kaolin'. It smells like vanilla-ed batter and tastes like thick bittersweet Ribena.

21. I'll have tons of orang asli's in my wedding.

22. I read the comics section in The Star first. Just to keep the mood light before it plunges into depths of devastation on future devastating reads.

23. When I clean, I really really scrub hell outta stuff. When I don't, I let it be (black, brown, one-inch dusty). I think I'm an extremist. *purses lips*

24. I'm the kind of person that would... accidentally drop the mop on one hand, and get shocked by the noise. And then drop the penyapu from the other hand, and squeak at the noise it makes too. And when I bend down to pick both up, my butt hits the medicine shelf. The contents go 'GEDEBUSH!' all over the floor.

25. I love Britney's songs.

26. I'm a walking-talking-driving catastrophe. And that's an understatement. I have had 3 accidents so far, with the car of course. We don't wanna go to where my hands, legs, butt, and even head can go.

27. I blame my mother for bad-skin, eczema, over-zealousness and for being an emotionally challenged human-being.

28. My mom loves all the boys I bring home. Too bad she used to tell me AFTER the relationship ended.

29. I enjoy music more by dancing, rather than listening to it. But I do enjoy listening to the likes of Silverchair and Muse and Meet Uncle Hussain. So I'm balanced, really.

30. Thirty? Only?

31. I think it's going to rain.

32. I never cease to be constantly amazed at my body. How the scar got there, how I'd wiggle my toes, how beautifully my nails grow and, oh, was that bulge there last night?

33. I'll tell you this. I used to iron ALL of my siblings' uniform when I was 9 every Sunday night. At my own will. I recall the iron being awfully heavy and each of us had 3 or 4 sets of uniforms. I'd ask Arif and Nafisah to collect all the hangers around the house for me so I can use them. I have no idea why I did that. I stopped. Thank God.

34. I'm a Barney baby, and proud of it. I still know all the songs by heart. I know how to use my imagnation.

35. I see a lot of things in detail but I'm a very careless person. Which is darn frustrating.

36. I have dry hair.

37. Oh which somehow reminds me of this. My hairdresser used to try to hit on me.

38. I had a lesbo after me. *Shudder*

39. I tend to re-use my outfits when I have so many others. I guess I'm a 'comfort' sorta person. Image doesn't mean much to me. It isn't the ultimate. Feeling good would reflect me thinking I look good so of course I look good. Hahaha.

40. I don't really like men sometimes.

41. It's RAINING! Whee.

42. I started taking the bus alone from one grandparent's house to another in Singapore when I was eight. You can do that there. NEVER try that here.

43. My hairstyle changes tend to be dramatic. I can't have long hair all the time.

44. Blogging is very time-consuming isn't it,V?

45. I am somehow, capable of mixing two different kinds of tablets in one envelope.

46. I can wonderfully mimick Shakira's goat-like voice. "I'm staarrrting to belieeeve, it should be illEgal to deceeive a woman's heart."

47. But I fail to shake like her. She's got batteries on her booty. It turns on and off on impulse deciding whether she's feeling hyped or down.

48. Once a upon a time, I believed someone when he said 'Hannah, do know that 1+1= 1.99999? It's true! It came out in Al-Jazeera and CNN today. Seriously girl.'

Hannah: "GASP! Really?! Omg that's amazing! How'd they find that out?"

I never got over the shock of my apparent stupidity.

49. I fidget a lot. I'd probably be swinging my legs underneath the table or even just my foot when someone asks me to stop shaking my leg. Or when I'm standing waiting for someone/something I'd drum my fingers against the closest thing to me. It's very unladylike but hey, you gotta love me.

50. I've recently started to eat like a normal human being. Maybe more. A typical 'stuff-yourself-sick' day in Jusco would be eating a quarter chicken set in Nandos, and then drop by 1901 for a great beef Hot Dog and the last would be a grande fruppochino from Starbucks. And maybe some ice-cream if there's some space left. Oh, I can eat a lot.

51. And before that all I could eat was a tiny portion of everything on a plate and complain about the kenyang-ness of it. Tsk. I didn't know life.

52. I don't know why I do this, but whenever I look in the mirror (at home), I smile and strike a pose. I think I'm just awestruck by the awesomeness of my whole perfect self. You can't get any better than this.

*Vanessa, or anyone reading this stares at the bluntness of it all. She then proceeds to rush to the bathroom to instantly stop the productivity of her digestive system by disallowing her dinner to come out the right way.*

53. I love looking at olive oil bottles stacked neatly in supermarket shelves.

54. All my wisdom teeth doesn't hurt while on its growing process. At all. It's still there.

55. I have gory visions of of myself getting hurt. Like accidentally missing one step of the stairs and falling head on down. Or getting my head stuck in some ... thing. All this started after I watched Final Destination.

56. My current mission is to fill up a whole plastic bag full of rolled up tiny cotton ball swipes.

57. People think I'm Sabahan.

58. I talk to myself a lot but you probably knew that already.

59. I clean my ears twice a day.

57. I have always and will always love the 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm' era. Where there is no such thing as ladies wearing pants and all they put on everyday is lacey skirts with matching little bonnets. And you've got Anne's and Rita's and Gabriella's sipping tea with their little pinky pointed upwards exchanging views on Oscar Wilde's latest controversial play.

58. I have a special gift. I am able to bend my thumb backwards till it looks like some pressed crescent moon.

59. I am also blessed with the gift to bend my back backwards without breaking it.

60. I dislike hard egg yolks.

61. I love weddings and happy endings.

62. I permanently have 2 Asli bands on my right hand, and one darker one on my left.

63. I try to look nonchalant when the doctor pokes around the female patient's boobs in front of me.

64. The only way to keep me quiet for more than two hours is to present me with a box of good, quality, 1000+ colourful puzzles. I'd shut up as long as it takes me to finish it.

64. I'm addicted to coffee and life.

65. On a debate with some school from Negeri Sembilan, I gave my views flawlessly. With my hands shaking.

66. I have a terrible short-term memory.

67. I have been trying to follow the Scottish accent for a year but susahlah. I absolutely love the way it sounds though.

68. I like the smell of petrol, marker pens, and that instant 'whoosh' you smell when you step in Body Shop.

69. I shop in Singapore, I don't shop here. It's because the number looks bigger here (double) and I'm still not used to it till today. I subconsciously stick to the Singapore currency because I'm more comfortable with it even though I know it is double the price there. No, I'm not rich, just a bit stupid to stick to comfortability. Even after 10 years living here.

70. When I first moved to Malaysia, I was shocked that all the students from different schools had the same uniform, all the 'lauks' here are waay to sweet for my liking, at the appaling behaviour of some of the Malays, at how much Malaysians consume chicken (and not like mutton) and of course, the service the government gives to the rakyat. After so much quick-witted efficacy we have over there, you can't blame me for the continued distrust I had towards the system here.

71. Oh, V this goes to you. I lost my Secondary 2 Spelling Bee competition to 'knead'. When they asked me to spell it I was like, "Need? Takkan so senang je?" And when I understood what they wanted I was so excited I spelt it 'K-N-E-E-D'. I gasped aloud on the mic and said 'SHH-!' -it.

72. I once knew how to do a split. No, I didn't take ballet. Now I'll just break my pelvic bone and probably not ever have sex for the rest of my life, which is something I don't think is worth risking for.

73. I get terrible cramps before my period. It comes with terrible tempers, emotions, and a mighty healthy appetite.

74. We named out first pet, 'SMREG', which is 'GERMS' spelled backwards after reading Judy Blume's 'Iggy's House'.

75. The wrestlers I used to support are: Chris Jericho (Because he was the most good-looking/hunky wrestler at that time), Stonecold Steve Austin (Cuz he's bald and mean and he wrestles with jeans, which I presume, is a mean feat) Mankind (Cuz he's 'kind', the nicest wrestler ever) and The Big Shot. I used to be shit-scared of The Undertaker but now that I'm older and knowledge has somehow seeped in me, I've taken note that he's a very strong man.
I now support Batista (no surprise there), HBK, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio. I detest the Rated-R. Even when I know the quality of wrestling has be downgraded so pitifully, I still watch it.

76. I love home-made sambal tumis-pizza.

77. I prefer shopping for make-up to clothes.

78. I love cats. Kittens. We used to keep a total of 9 cats (outside the house). The longest cat with us was 'Timid', a black cat.

79. I had my nose pierced twice, even after I mentioned 'I'll never go through such pain again' after doing it the first time.

80. Just because I'm a Malay who speaks English, have red streaks on her hair, doesn't wear the tudung and has a pierced nose doesn't mean I'm a very open-minded person. OK?

81. I'm a sucker for spicy food and I do not like tauge.

82. I get attached very easily.

83. I don't get it when people say things like, "She pretty what...fair.. nice hair.. sharp nose..tall tall, thin thin." I'm sorry but I lack the 'depth' to judge people on how pretty they are just because they're 'fair'. I realise that I find it hard to agree with my friends when they point out something random like that because I don't know the subject they're talking about 'in person'. Or even if I do and she has a sucky attitude I go all "But I don't think she's pretty."

84. No, I don't judge people physically. I just can't even though I try. Unless they're some big hot- shot celebrity or something cuz that's what they're all about aren't they?

85. I am fickle enough to check-out the Cleo's 50 Most Eligible Bachelors every year.

86. I prefer noodles and spaghetti to rice.

87. I eat spaghetti with anything, thanks to my grandmother. Asam pedas, masak merah, sup kambing. Even with just kicap.

88. I love sticky, sweet stuff. Like Ang Ku Kueh.

89. I'm not a very strong swimmer.

90. I used to have lovely curls in my younger days. Now I have a head of straw.

91. I can read 'Timpetill' over and over again without getting tired of it.

92. I have this weird mental thing which makes me draw stars, or squares with my knee/foot/finger by moving it according to the shape I'm thinking about whenever I think about it.

93. We started living in the house right beside my grandparents. Then we moved to the Blok beside it. We then widen our horizons and decided to move to the country next to hers.

94. People think I'm 25. I'm not happy with that.

95. I have moved to a total of 6 different schools starting from Kindergarten to Secondary school.

96. My ex- high school Headmaster (A.R Peter) has decided to increase his level of informality towards me by adopting the cheek-to-cheek tradition whenever we meet up in functions.

97. After finishing high school, Rotarians request I call them by their first names, instead of the preferred 'Sir' I would have so gladly continually address them.

98. I don't know how to delegate jobs because people just don't listen to me. I think they don't take me seriously.

99. I used to watch that 'Shelby Woo' mystery..detective show on Disney Channel. And loved it.

100. I'm all out for keeping the integrity of my race alive by following traditions, for environmentalism, and of course, for my religion.

That's it then. Could've written another hundred but the Dr needs me. HEH.

Oh VeeElle, I absolutely LOVE eating mangoes off their seeds ;P


bloody awful poetry said...

Hannah actually updated without me bugging her to.
Omg!! I must now hit the refresh button repeatedly in order to make sure this is not a figment of my spectacular imagination.

OK la woman, I gove you the credit. You are a responsible 21st century blogger!!! *claps*

#8- I am awesome. I could've gone up to 250 if I wanted.
#13-*grins* Tells me abouts it.
#16-Powdered Milo is HEAVEN. I also suka makan condensed milk by the spoonful.
#38-Whoa. Some people would consider that a compliment. That another girl would find you attractive.
#44- Oh it is, Hannah, it is. But you're doing a great job of it.
#46- I HAVE to hear your Shakira! I can imitate,uh...an OK Borat,a really good faux British accent,a pretty convincing Italian one,and a respectable Plastic Girl one.
#48- Heee!
#52- Damn straight I did. Perasan giler mampus.
#55-*snort* That was one halleluva dumbass movie wei. I shudder to imagine the effect of watching something GENUINELY scary, like Saint Ange, would do to your mental functions.
#67-I think it's virtually impossible to do a Scottish accent unless you actually have some Scot genes in you.I've tried. It won't work.
#71- GAH!You're adorable you know that?
#85- And I am the fickle-est and the horniest of the lot! I should be editor of that Bachelor thing.
#99- Shelby Woo rawked man!! Where'd she go???

See? That wasn't so hard! Thank you for doing this, really. =) Appreciate it.
And thank goodness I wasn't eating or drinking anything while readin this, because i burst out laughing about 17 times, i think. And I snorted a couple of times. Your tag is a safety hazard!

HannahLah said...

Like, YAY!
C I'm not that bad whaat...I mean, I may not as a good a blogger as u (I can't even come close to half of what you do) but hey. I'm pretty decent. Sometimes.

HAHA. Safety Hazard? That's a 100 more pointless things you already more bout me :P

P.s: You'll hear my Shakira one day. It's pretty cool. Oh oh I do accents to! I hv this friend who does a really good Brit accent and we'd go on crapping the whole day sounding all Bridget Jones-y.

The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo! I just remembered!

Do NOT corrupt my mind from the purest of pure naivity that God has seeded in me. Final Destination has ....*shudder*

And yeah, I get that all the time. I'm adorable (and more), Thanx.

bloody awful poetry said...

woman, i have had a stroke of genius. Go to my blog and tell me I'm right.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... that entry got me stuck to the comp for a while.. reading lines by lines till i reach #100. haha.. very interesting i would say. =)